UPDATE 3/8/2024: I am currently in the process of updating this blog and re-activating it.
Previously, this was strictly a personal blog. I do not promote it online or through any web company. I previously disabled most of the links for "liking" articles, or for signing up for any account here. That may change in the future, but if you have ever read more than one article on this blog, I'm certain you have noticed over the years that I identify myself as a follower of, and believer in the philosophy of Conservatism as it applies to the founding of the United States of America and its two founding documents. Those two documents would be the Declaration of Independence, which formally separated this nation from the European based governments and philosophies that the earliest Pilgrims had come here as fast as a boat of that time could take them to escape from, and the Constitution of the United States, which in cooperation with the Declaration of Independence, is the actual governing document for the newly created Republic. Note that this nation was founded as a Republic, and not a Democracy.
This web page is based on Conservatism. Conservatism is not an ideology. Unlike Liberalism, Communism, Fascism, Totalitarianism, etc...etc. and the other "ism's" thrown around these days, Conservatism does not dictate anything to adhere to except the principles of individual human liberty and dignity, the right to personal property, and the freedom to function within the constraints of a civil society of laws based on historical and ethical experience. Conservatism in fact is a way of life, not an ideology. If you were to read the history of Conservatism, its proponents, and especially those authors and philosophers who most influenced the founders of this nation during its creation, you would find that to be exactly true. Under Conservatism, a person is free to succeed, but also free to fail. Free to make the effort to be all that he or she can be, or to make no effort at all. Free to utilize the tools that a free society, unencumbered by oppressive, from the top down iron-fisted crushing government can give to you to make a life for yourself and your family, and to leave a better world to your posterity. This, all within the guidelines of common sense stewardship of the environment that surrounds us, and with a true compassion for those of us who might need a helping and lifting hand up from their own struggles. In truth, the very freedom of choice that Conservatism represents makes it beholden to no ideology at all. But that is a discussion for much thought and discourse in the future. And that being said, true Conservatives today are a very small percentage of those in our governing bodies even though the media mistakenly and ignorantly in some cases points to all Republicans as Conservatives, or, alternatively, what they consider to be the Far Right, as Conservatives. True Conservatives, as in the case of this blog, refuse to let those in the establishment of the Republican Party and particularly, those in the media, or on the Left define us. They do try to do so daily, but the truth is, Conservatives define ourselves. These others don't have that privilege and Conservatives, myself included, are not going to give it to them.
To address concerns here: Although it may appear to some that most articles posted here seem to be in the spirit of "bashing" the Left, that is not the case, at least not the intent. The fact remains however, that this blog was begun as a direct response and reply to the daily assault on the founding principles of this great nation by the Left, the "Deep State", or whatever other name they might have been given over the last 100 years. The attack has been relentless. In addition, later articles here are in direct juxtaposition to the daily, hourly, secondly (if that is a word) relentless attack on the current President of the United States by a well organized, media supported and increasingly frightening and violent Left that has no other purpose but to bring the Ex- and possibly future President of the United States down and prevent him from ever holding office again. The source of their endless attacks on this man is rooted in their complete shock at Hillary Clinton losing the election in November 2016 to Donald Trump. But even that now has become a side issue to the unprecedented violence and hate that is posted, fomented, acted upon, and published daily to include 91 mostly baseless indictments of his business and character, resulting in further tearing apart this nation in a manner never before seen in history.
This page is and will always be, open to discussion of Conservative philosophy and principles and how they apply, or could apply to each one of us in our daily lives. If this is a discussion that any reader of this blog wants to have, I am always open to it. I humbly ask only that those who do want a dialogue come armed with the facts and history that supports their argument rather than simply dismissing the history and the people that have brought us to this point rather than trying to convince us that history itself began only yesterday.
This site has never been one to endorse Donald Trump. As the current author of this blog, I'm certainly far from infallible in my articles and viewpoints, and I will certainly retract those that are pointed out and proven (see above) as false. In addition I will openly admit the error of the article. That is what getting to the truth is all about. I am not a journalist, I have no editor proof reading my articles for correct composition or grammar. But these days I have found myself to be increasingly in the unenviable position of defending what Donald Trump attempted to accomplish during his time in office, as hard as it may be at times for some folks to get past his rhetoric. Defend him from the unrelenting firestorm of rabid hatred and negativity from people who will never,.....ever....give him credit for the spirit of what he accomplished while in office. And that in fact, he did much to advance liberty and to unleash our economy from the strangling yoke of crushing regulation that goes beyond and above prudence and common sense while keeping an angry world at peace and the war dogs at bay.
In addition, please know that unlike others who might find out one day to their horror that you agreed with a SINGLE thing Trump has said or done, I will not "de-friend" you, or label you as a moron, a bigot, a racist, a homophobe, a Nazi, an Anti-Semite or some other defined sub human species. Those types, by the way, do exist in reality and this blog, to the best of its ability, will shine the light of truth on them like the cockroaches they are. Those who have read and commented to me on this blog in the past have told me that they share my own desire to seek the truth, rather than to seek "alternative facts". Thank you for reading.